How to Put Pressure on Solicitors

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31 May 2024

When it comes to the process of buying or selling a property, conveyancing often seems to be the most complex and slow-moving part. This procedure includes a series of legal and administrative tasks that need to be accomplished to ensure a smooth property transaction.

However, it can be quite frustrating when conveyancing takes longer than expected.

In this insight, we will explain how to put pressure on solicitors to speed up the conveyancing process, offering useful insights and practical tips that can help you expedite your property transaction.

Key Takeaways

  • Buying or selling property involves complex legal tasks. Understand why conveyancing can be slow due to legal procedures and meticulous attention to detail.
  • Transaction complexity, property chains, mortgage lenders, survey results, and response times impact conveyancing. Be aware of these factors.
  • Communicate regularly with your solicitor, set realistic deadlines, involve your estate agent, and leverage mortgage expiration dates to put pressure on solicitors.
  • If solicitors are not responsive, consider making a complaint or switching solicitors. Choose the right solicitor from the start to avoid delays.

Understanding the Conveyancing Process

Before we delve into how to expedite the process, it's essential to understand why conveyancing can often seem slow. Conveyancing is not a straightforward process - it involves various legal procedures, documentation, and checks, all of which require time and meticulous attention to detail.

The Role of Solicitors in Conveyancing

Solicitors play a crucial role in the conveyancing process. They are responsible for performing all the legal work involved in property transactions, preparing and reviewing contracts, and liaising with other parties such as mortgage lenders and estate agents. Solicitors also conduct property searches and handle the exchange of contracts and completion of the sale or purchase.

Factors Affecting Conveyancing Speed

The speed of the conveyancing process can be influenced by several factors, some of which are out of solicitors' control:

  • Complexity of the Transaction: Every property transaction is unique, and some can be more complex than others. For instance, issues with the property title, planning permissions, or building regulations can complicate matters and require additional time to resolve.
  • The Property Chain: If you or the other party is part of a property chain, this can significantly slow down the process. A delay at any stage of the chain can cause a domino effect, impacting everyone involved in the chain.
  • Mortgage Lenders: Solicitors often need to liaise with mortgage lenders, and if the lenders are slow to respond or require additional information, this can delay the process.
  • Survey Results: Conveyancing can't proceed without survey results. If the survey results are delayed or identify issues with the property, this can slow down the process.
  • Response Times: The speed of the conveyancing process also depends on how quickly all parties involved respond to enquiries and sign contracts.

How to Put Pressure on Solicitors

If you feel that your conveyancing process is taking longer than it should, there are ways to apply pressure on your solicitor to speed things up. Here are a few strategies that can help:

  • Regular Communication
  • Setting Deadlines
  • Using Your Estate Agent
  • Leveraging Your Mortgage Needs
  • Making a Complaint
  • Switching Solicitors
Regular Communication

Maintaining regular communication with your solicitor is crucial. Don't hesitate to check in with your solicitor on a weekly basis. This not only keeps you updated but also subtly applies pressure on them to keep things moving. However, remember that it's your solicitor's job to update you, so only reach out if you feel you're not getting the updates you need.

Set Deadlines

Setting a deadline for the conveyancing process can be an effective way to put pressure on your solicitor. This creates a sense of urgency and gives your solicitor a clear timeline to work towards. However, ensure that your deadline is realistic considering all the factors involved in your property transaction.

Use Your Estate Agent

Your estate agent can be a valuable ally in speeding up the conveyancing process. They have a vested interest in getting the deal done and can check in with your solicitor regularly, reminding them of the urgency of the situation.

Leverage Your Mortgage

If you're buying a property with a mortgage, you can use this to your advantage. Mortgages have an expiration date, and the urgency to complete the conveyancing process before this date can help push your solicitor to work faster.

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Dealing with Delayed Solicitors: What if Nothing Works?

If your solicitor is still not picking up the pace despite your efforts, you might have to consider more drastic measures.

Make a Complaint

If your solicitor's performance is unsatisfactory, you have the right to complain. You can complain directly to your solicitor or escalate the complaint to the Legal Ombudsman. However, use this as a last resort, as it could strain your relationship with your solicitor.

Switch Solicitors

If things are not improving, you can consider changing solicitors mid-process. While this might slow things down initially, it could speed up the process in the long run if your new solicitor is more efficient and responsive.

Tips for Choosing the Right Solicitor

One of the best ways to avoid delays in the conveyancing process is to choose the right solicitor from the start. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Ask for Recommendations: Consult family, friends, or neighbours who have recently sold or bought a property. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their experiences.
  • Check Reviews and Credentials: Look for online reviews to gauge previous clients' experiences with the solicitor. Also, check their experience, qualifications, and whether they hold any relevant accreditations.
  • Consider Their Fees: Conveyancing fees can vary significantly. Make sure to consider the solicitor's fees and ensure they fit within your budget.
  • Arrange an Interview: Before hiring a solicitor, arrange a meeting or call to discuss their services, fee structure, and communication process. This can help you gauge whether they are the right fit for you.

Final Thoughts

While it's natural to want your property transaction to be completed as quickly as possible, it's important to understand that conveyancing is a complex process that requires time and diligence. However, by maintaining regular communication, setting clear deadlines, and choosing the right solicitor, you can put pressure on solicitors and help ensure a smoother and faster conveyancing process. Always remember, patience and proactive engagement are the keys to a successful property transaction.


Stuart is an expert in Property, Money, Banking & Finance, having worked in retail and investment banking for 10+ years before founding Sunny Avenue. Stuart has spent his career studying finance. He holds qualifications in financial studies, mortgage advice & practice, banking operations, dealing & financial markets, derivatives, securities & investments.

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