Key Takeaways

  • The NHS provides a comprehensive health service and health insurance can be used to complement this
  • Health insurance can cover in-patient care, provide specialist scans and reduce waiting times
  • Having Health insurance could save you money if you decide to go private later on down the line
  • Health insurance is not for everyone but is becoming more common. The cost of a policy can differ based on your age, general health, and smoker status

What is Health Insurance?

Health Insurance is an insurance policy that covers certain private medical and treatment costs for pre-agreed conditions. Health Insurance can also be known as private medical insurance. It is an insurance policy that covers treatment costs if private medical care is required.

It works similarly to other insurance policies - You pay a monthly, or annual premium and in the event of needing care, you will have some or all of your costs covered. 

Looking For Insurance Advice?

Are you looking into health insurance, and need a little help?
We can help you find a health insurance adviser to offer you the very best advice. Complete our Sunny Fact Find form to provide us a bit more detail about your circumstances and we'll find the best-suited adviser for your needs.
Your appointed adviser will contact you to discuss how they can help, you decide how to proceed.

What is included with Health Insurance?

Health insurance covers the private treatment costs for pre-agreed conditions. The level of cover can vary from policy to policy but generally, it will cover in-patient treatments (tests and surgery) and day-care surgery. 

Health insurance supplements what the NHS already offers.

Health Insurance is designed to improve the experience of needing medical care and some of the benefits It can entitle you to are as follows:

  • Specialist referrals
  • Scans without delays
  • Reduced waiting time
  • Choice of surgeons and hospital
  • A private room
  • Specialist drugs and treatments that may not be available on the NHS
  • Physiotherapy

Health insurance policies can vary and that means sometimes you will need to pay extra for additional cover. It can be a complicated policy and often seeking advice around the options available can be helpful.

Health insurance is a common benefit offered through employer benefits schemes. However, it's important to understand exactly what you would be covered for.

Does Health Insurance cover Dental?

Yes, some health insurance policies can have their cover extended to include dental treatment that may be required. However, it is important to check with your adviser and policy provider if this is included as often it can be an additional cover that you may need to add on. Any additional cover could add a further premium to your policy.

Does Health insurance cover sports-related injuries?

It is possible to add cover sports-related injuries, but this will come at an additional cost.

What is not covered by Health insurance?

Health insurance policies differ so be sure to check in advance. Generally, what is not covered are

  • Organ transplants
  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Normal pregnancy
  • Childbirth costs
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDs.

How much does Health insurance cost in the UK?

The average premium for a health insurance policy in the UK is £125 per month. However, there are factors that need to be taken into account when determining how much your policy will cost. This includes your age, smoker status, weight, and any general health issues.

Is Private Medical Insurance worth it?

We are fortunate that in the UK we have a national health system. This means that having Private Medical Insurance can be a personal choice. There are even occasions when you may have private medical insurance but still decide to use the NHS. 

If you want to know if Private Medical Insurance is worth it, it would depend on you, and your personal preferences. 

  • Do you have a preference to not use NHS hospitals?
  • Do you want to be covered for Drugs and Treatments that are not available on the NHS?
  • Do you have a preference for reduced waiting times?

It's hard to know what the future looks like, but having private medical insurance will make the difference in how quickly you get seen.

Unfortunately, the NHS is limited in resources, and In the medical world, the difference in wait times can end up having huge consequences, especially in serious circumstances.

A lot of people opt for Private Medical Insurance to provide the peace of mind that they would be able to get the best, fastest treatment available, should they need it.

If peace of mind about your health is important to you, then it might make health insurance worth having.

Health Insurance Advice

Health insurance advice is essential for understanding and selecting the right health insurance plan to meet your needs. Consulting with a health insurance adviser can help you navigate the complex world of health insurance cover, policy options, and costs. They can assess your specific requirements, budget, and healthcare priorities to recommend suitable insurance plans. They provide insights into the coverage details, such as deductibles, copayments, and network providers, helping you make informed decisions.

Health insurance covers the private treatment costs for pre-agreed conditions. It supplements what the NHS offers. The level of cover can vary from policy to policy but generally, it will cover in-patient treatments (tests and surgery) and day-care surgery.

Health insurance policies differ so be sure to check in advance. Generally, what is not covered are Organ transplants, pre-existing medical conditions, normal pregnancy, childbirth costs, cosmetic surgery, sports-related injuries, and chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDs. It is possible to add cover sports-related injuries, but this will come at an additional cost.

With private health insurance you can be entitled to specialist referrals, scans without delays, reduced waiting time, choice of surgeon and hospital, a private room, specialist drugs and treatments that may not be available on the NHS, and physiotherapy.

As with everything, there can be disadvantages to private medical insurance cover. This could include, the cost, certain illnesses won't be covered, there might not be local treatment options, and you may get better care with the NHS.



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