Buyer Not Instructing Solicitors

Home Buyer Not Instructing Solicitors
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Mortgages, Online Estate Agents Sunny Avenue
31 May 2024

Are you feeling frustrated and stuck because your property buyer is not instructing solicitors?  Dealing with a buyer who is dragging their feet can be a daunting and stressful experience. However, there are steps you can take to navigate this situation and ensure a smooth transaction.

In this insight, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice on what to do if your property buyer is not instructing solicitors in the UK.

We will explore the reasons behind their reluctance, discuss potential solutions, and offer tips to help you protect your interests and move forward with the sale. 

Key Takeaways

  • Hiring solicitors when buying a property in the UK is crucial to protect both the buyer and seller and keep the sale on track. It establishes a legal framework, conducts property searches, and ensures necessary contracts.
  • Buyers may hesitate due to financial constraints, lack of understanding, personal circumstances, procrastination, or hoping for a better property.
  • Openly communicate with the buyer and their agent, understand their situation, offer practical solutions like flexible payment plans, and set clear deadlines to encourage them to instruct solicitors.
  • Consult with your solicitor and estate agent early on to navigate the situation effectively, understand your rights, assess risks, and protect your interests during the property transaction.

Why Is It Important That Your Buyer Instructs Their Solicitors?

Instructing solicitors when buying a property is crucial. It's the step where legal matters begin, protecting both the buyer and seller, and keeping the sale on track. Skipping this step causes delays, uncertainties, and risks for the seller.

Instructing solicitors achieves three important things:

  • It sets up a legal framework for the transaction, ensuring proper documentation and ownership transfer.
  • It allows for essential property searches to uncover any issues or restrictions that might affect the property.
  • It ensures necessary contracts are drawn up and exchanged, preventing misunderstandings and disputes during the sale.

Why Is Your Buyer Not Instructing Solicitors?

Property buyers may hesitate or delay in instructing solicitors due to a few common reasons:

Financial constraints

Some buyers may not have enough funds to cover the costs of hiring solicitors, so they delay the process until they can secure the necessary money.

Lack of understanding

Some buyers may not fully grasp the legal importance of instructing solicitors and may see it as an unnecessary expense or overlook it in the buying process.

Personal circumstances or external factors

Changes in employment, family issues, or unexpected events may divert the buyer's attention and resources, making instructing solicitors a lower priority.

Procrastination or indecision

Some buyers might procrastinate or struggle to make decisions, leading to delays in taking necessary steps, such as instructing solicitors.

Hoping for a better property to come on the market

 Some buyers delay instructing solicitors because they are hopeful that a more appealing property meeting their preferences will become available, leading them to wait before committing to the legal process.

Steps To Take If Your Property Buyer Is Not Instructing Solicitors

Dealing with a property buyer who is not instructing solicitors can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to address the issue and move the sale forward. By taking a proactive approach and effectively communicating with the buyer and their agent, you can increase the chances of a successful resolution.

Open lines of communication

Reach out to the buyer and their agent to express your concerns and discuss the importance of instructing solicitors. Be clear and concise in your communication, emphasising the potential risks and the need to move the process forward. This initial conversation can help gauge the buyer's intentions and address any misconceptions they may have.

Understand the buyer's situation

Take the time to listen and understand the buyer's reasons for not instructing solicitors. It may be a financial constraint or a misunderstanding of the process. By empathising and showing understanding, you can build a rapport and work towards a mutually beneficial solution.

Offer assistance and alternative solutions

If financial constraints are the issue, explore alternative options with the buyer. This could include recommending solicitors who offer flexible payment plans or suggesting government schemes or grants that could help cover the costs. By offering practical solutions, you demonstrate your commitment to finding a resolution.

Set clear deadlines and expectations

Establish clear timelines and expectations for the buyer to instruct solicitors. This ensures that both parties are on the same page and helps create a sense of urgency. By setting deadlines, you give the buyer a clear timeframe within which to take action.

Re-list the property


If the buyer is still not interested or not taking the necessary legal steps, you can try selling the property to someone else. This way, you can find a buyer who is more serious about buying and willing to go through the legal process. But before doing this, make sure to talk to your estate agent to know the right steps to take and if you have any obligations to the previous buyer.

Consider selling the property through an auction

This can attract motivated buyers who are ready to buy quickly, though you might need to adjust the expected price.

Before deciding, think about the risks and benefits of these options and talk to your solicitor for guidance to protect your interests.

Communicating With The Property Buyer and Their Agent

When dealing with a buyer who is not instructing solicitors, effective communication is key. By establishing open and transparent lines of communication, you can address any concerns or misunderstandings and work towards a resolution that benefits both parties.

To deal with a property buyer who hasn't hired solicitors, follow these simple steps:

  • Communicate openly and honestly with the buyer and their agent.
  • Politely explain the importance of instructing solicitors and potential risks.
  • Encourage questions and address any misunderstandings they may have.
  • Involve the buyer's agent to understand their situation and motivations.
  • Work together to find common ground and move the sale forward.
  • Document all communication in writing to protect both parties in case of disputes.

Seeking legal advice and assistance

Dealing with a property buyer who is not instructing solicitors can be complex and challenging. To ensure that you navigate the situation effectively and protect your interests, seeking legal advice and assistance is highly recommended.

A solicitor specialising in property law can provide you with expert guidance tailored to your specific circumstances. They can help you understand your legal rights, assess the risks involved, and develop a strategy to move the sale forward.

When choosing a solicitor, look for someone with experience in handling similar situations and a track record of successful outcomes. Take the time to research and compare different solicitors to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Remember, seeking legal advice early on can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your property.

Conclusion: Communication is Key

Dealing with a buyer who won't hire solicitors can be tough and frustrating. But you can improve the situation by understanding why it's important for them to do so and talking to them openly about the issue. Work with your solicitor and consider other solutions to resolve the problem and get the sale moving again. If needed, get legal advice from a property law expert who can give you personalised help. Stay informed, take action, and stay determined to ensure a successful property sale.


Stuart is an expert in Property, Money, Banking & Finance, having worked in retail and investment banking for 10+ years before founding Sunny Avenue. Stuart has spent his career studying finance. He holds qualifications in financial studies, mortgage advice & practice, banking operations, dealing & financial markets, derivatives, securities & investments.

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