Help & Support

Home Help & Support

Support & Complaints

Do you need further support or are you dissatisfied with the service offered by Sunny Avenue or the advisers listed?

Please reach out to by e-mail with further details.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

We would welcome this decision. Our service is suited for people who do not have the contacts, or an idea where to start.

It's also ok to speak to the advisers listed on Sunny Avenue directly about the information on their profiles if this has interested you. - Even if they are not your Financial Adviser!

To view details about listing as an adviser on Sunny Avenue, you need to click "Are you an Adviser" in the top right corner.

No, Sunny Avenue is here to connect people. Our service is free for clients and we welcome you to make enquries with Advisers listed however you wish.

If we have not yet listed the product page you are looking for help with, this does not mean the listed advisers cannot assist you. Create your user account, search an appropriate adviser and message them directly to make your enquiry.

Sunny Avenue believes in the true value of having a relationship with a financial advisor, they can save you money, protect your finances, and potentially make you money. They can help ease financial stresses that may arise.

We believe in our matching service to be a lifelong handover, therefore we charge a small fee to the advisors to list on our website. Although, we don't want that fee to prevent advisers from listing, so we also offer a free profile for Advisers - if they wish. This means you will never miss out if it's local and convenient you are after. 

This income helps to keep Sunny Avenue running. We also use the income to raise awareness of the site to bring more people to us, to our advisors. That’s ultimately how we help people, help people.

Sunny avenue does not sell any financial products, we act as a directory service for Advisers who can help you discuss financial products you may need.

Sunny Avenue are not currently authorised, as we do not offer advice and do not offer any specific financial products, we are not required to be authorised.

We ensure our advisers who are listed and need to be, are authorised.

We do not provide any financial promotions and our website content is solely information based. We have no preferences over who you contact for help and do not benefit from any commissions.

We are here to help you reach advisers and enquire for more information. The profiles created by advisors do not constitute inducement for investments. We act as a directory.

You are able to contact our team at

To update your user profile, click on your name (top right). This will direct you to where you can manage your user profile.

Contact Details

Are you interested in working with Sunny Avenue, please contact us below:

Sunny Avenue are always on the lookout for new services, advisers, products, apps, sponsorships and websites to feature. Therefore, if you believe that your service/product/website would be a good addition, please do get in touch.

Please provide a phone number